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Showing posts from June, 2019

Thing 1 & 2 - Introduction

Hi all, t his is my first ever blog post and it's quite exciting! I came across this really cool course on Twitter called 23 Things for Digital Knowledge by University of Edinburgh and just had to check it out. What makes it even better is that its absolutely free! So here I am writing my first post to cover the task in Thing 2 and share my thoughts with you all.  What do you hope to gain out of the 23 Things programme? I hope to gain new skills as well as expand my current skill set and knowledge on a range of digital tools. I hope to be able to explore a new Thing and integrate it into my daily routine, which by writing this post the learning has already begun! Were you aware of the University’s  Social Media Guidelines for Staff and Researchers  or the student  Social Media Student Handbook ? What do you think of the guidelines? I am not a member of the University, however, as a staff member in a College the same sort of rules apply in terms of the Social Me...